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Millau Leaner

Lead Time: 1-4 weeks

Designer: Crestline DesignWorks

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Online Flipbook Brochure

The Crestline Millau range is NZ designed and manufactured, using local and international components.
The Millau Leaner combines form and function, providing an aesthetically pleasing finish, suitable for multiple spaces including café, meeting, and breakout areas.
With a bold and sophisticated angular profile and matching adjustable feet, the Millau Leaner contributes a modern and refined character to your space.

Crestline registered design.


Indicative price range


This shows the expected range of prices, depending on the quantity and level of spec & finish. It is intended only as a guide, not a replacement for a quote.

$1,200 $4,000


Model Resources

Specification Sheet



Dimensions (mm):
Rectangle & Square: 500-1200w, 1200-3000L

Frame: Black
Top: Any Melamine or timber/timber veneer

10 Years

Lead Time:
1-4 weeks

2400w x 1200d

1800w x 600d

Frame detail

1800w x 600d

1800w x 800d

Your Quote
