Students design for the ABW workplace
The students from Unitec Diploma of Interior Design will no doubt be busy finalising their designs for their activity based working (ABW) projects. We’re excited to see what they come up with when they return to present their designs next month.
The group of students are currently working on a project designing a modular furniture system that supports activity based working. They presented their concepts to us last month and next month they’ll return to present their final designs.
It was great to see the thinking and passion the students had put into their concepts. We provided feedback around proof of concept and threw in some advice around the technical aspects of furniture development, production and manufacturing. We will be awarding a prize/s for the best concept(s)!
It’s a real privilege to be able to support these students with our expertise and prize sponsorship. I’m sure we get as much out of it as they do.
The future’s in good hands.
Jon Renton
At Crestline Furniture Systems, we’re continually evolving our product offering to ensure it encompasses the latest developments in workplace thinking. Our mission is to help create vibrant and effective workspaces where people love to work. Want to find out more? Give us a call on 09 257 5015 or email